Friday, July 3, 2009

Galilee Day Four

July 1
Today we went to Nazareth! We went to a church that commemorates the angel Gabriel coming to Mary and telling her she would give birth to Jesus. Both inside and outside the church are series of art pieces depicting Mary, done by countries all over the world. It was so interesting seeing how different cultures perceive Mary, and seeing Mary in all different ethnicities, clothing, and colors. I really enjoyed sitting in the church surrounded by all of these representations. The church was built in the 1960s so it is a more modern church.

We also went to Sepphoris, En Harod, and Scythopolis. It’s hard by the end of the day to even remember everything we’ve done! On our way home to Jerusalem we kept having to pull over because our bus was overheating! This would be in the middle of the desert, which is a different experience! At one of our sites it got up to 110 degrees. I have to keep reminding myself that this is only one of the seasons in Israel, so I can’t always read the Bible through the lens of a hot, dry summer. I guess during the winter it even snows here! And at other points there is a lot more greenery and growing things.

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